Training for your horse is done in 30-day increments. We always begin with groundwork so that your horses respectful when it returns and go on to riding from there. The horses here go through a series of lessons, which include arena work, trail riding, clipping and bathing. It is critical to us that you are happy with what comes out of the training and we will provide you with honest service, and a professional opinion on when the horse should go home. The horses are ridden a minimum of 5 days a week, and hour at a time. The last couple of days your horse is in training, we will provide you with riding lessons on your own horse so that you can see the progression and learn how to ride your improved horse!
We also provide halter horse fitting. This includes all grooming that is involved, daily lounging and any other special needs of your champion.
Our Training Services are not limited to any particular breed or discipline. We also take problem horses and help you get your horse through them. Give us a call and let us know what you need help with. We will be more than happy to provide our professional services to you!
Let us know what your needs are as we are flexible and willing to work with you in all your horse related happenings!